Please use annotated git tags for releases

Issue #60 resolved
Marco van Zwetselaar created an issue

Currently the KMA repo uses (mostly) lightweight git tags. It is desirable that commits that correspond to a release use annotated tags (git -a). From git-tag(1):

Annotated tags are meant for release while lightweight tags are meant for private or temporary object labels. For this reason, some git commands for naming objects (like git describe) will ignore lightweight tags by default.

This would fix the “issue” that git describe currently gives 1.2.29+-11-gc4544ff (= 11 commits past the latest annotated release) instead of 1.4.0.

Comments (3)

  1. ptlcc

    Hi Marco

    I just made a new push to Bitbucket (1.4.1), does that show up as an annotated tag.


  2. Marco van Zwetselaar reporter

    Hi Philip,

    ~/src/kma$ git pull
    ~/src/kma$ git describe


    Thanks, Marco

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