syntax warning

Issue #12 resolved
Eric Deveaud created an issue


using vesion 3.2 of resfinder:

when run spit out the following warning message SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
  if databases is '':

Comments (5)

  1. Alfred Ferrer Florensa

    Hello Eric,

    That SyntaxWarning comes from using Python3.8, as it is a warning added to this new version of Python.

    We usually create our software using Python3.6, although we expect that our code works with newer versions of Python. In this case, it is just a warning that should not affect the way that the program works.

    We will study updating that line to avoid that warning in newer versions of Python.


  2. Eric Deveaud reporter

    as I starting setting up a new cluster I go to the last available version of tools

    that’s why I used python-3.8.1

    EDIT: sorry I made a confusion. resfinder was instlled using python-3.5 not 3.8, so the warning came from 3.5

    anyway it is just a warning and a easy fix.



  3. Alfred Ferrer Florensa

    That is weird, I thought that that was a new warning that appears with Python3.8. I will take a look at it. But it should not be something that would take long.


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