Phenotype missing

Issue #125 closed
Kato Milis created an issue


While using your tool (ResFinder version 4.5.0, resfinder_db version 2.3.2), I encountered the following error:

DatabaseError: Phenotype not found for sequence region: mcr-9.1_1_MK070339.

I noticed that this sequence was added on April 25. Is it possible that the database is incomplete for this sequence?

Can this be fixed?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


Comments (2)

  1. RolfKaas

    Hi Kato,

    We recommend to only use commits, that has a version tag, as untagged commits are considered unreleased and will not have undergone any testing. There are a bunch of genes that has currently been submitted, which does not have an entry in the “phenotype” file. These will cause database errors. We are currently working on getting the phenotype file up to date. Furthermore, the mcr-9 genes are a mistake, and should not have been in the database to begin with, we will also remove these.

    Best regards,


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