Latest Resfinder builds on Conda doesn't have executionable

Issue #127 closed
Kasper created an issue


In Resfinder 4.1.1 resfinder can be envoked from a conda environment by executing:

Resfinder versions after this on conda, are no longer executionable by this.

There may have been changes to the conda build procedure in the later version?

Apart from that, Thanks for all the fish :-D

Kind regards

  • Kasper

Comments (4)

  1. RolfKaas

    Dear Kasper,

    Since version 4.2 it is no longer possible to run ResFinder using “”. Strictly speaking we should probably have called it ResFinder 5 due to this change.

    You need to call ResFinder like so: “python3 -m resfinder -h”

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