Input Error: Provided database was not recognised!

Issue #16 invalid
Jeevan Karloss created an issue

Not sure what the problem is.

Comments (8)

  1. CGE Helpdesk

    Dear Jeevan Karloos,

    Thank you for the interest in our services.

    Could please you explain in further detail what the problem is and where it appears? Do you have a command-line example or maybe a screenshot showing where the issue is?

    Then I will do my best to try and help you.

    Kind regards,


    CGE Helpdesk.

  2. Jeevan Karloss reporter

    Sorry, It resolved. I am not sure how to use fastq (both reads) files in ResFinder?

  3. Jeevan Karloss reporter

    I am getting this “Error: (CArgException::eInvalidArg) Unknown argument: "t_db"“ while using fastq files.

  4. CGE Helpdesk

    Could you please provide me with the command-line that you used when you received this error?

    Kind regards,


    CGE helpdesk

  5. Jeevan Karloss reporter

    Here is the command line I used for FastQ files.
    python3 resfinder/ -i R1_001.fastq R2_001.fastq -o . -p /resfinder_db -mp ResPoint-finder/bin/blastn

  6. Jeevan Karloss reporter

    How does ResFinder map reads to Resistance genes? as Raw reads or building genome and map?

  7. CGE Helpdesk

    It does not look like there is anything wrong with your command line. I would suggest, that you try to upload the data to our web server application here: . Here you can also find the link to the paper describing the program in more detail:

    When you receive the link to the result page you can send us the result link here: Then it is easier for us to recreate the problem.

    Kind regards,

    Malene, CGE Helpdesk.

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