Test Error with BLAST

Issue #30 resolved
Alvin Han created an issue

Hello, I have been trying to install the ResFinder software, and have managed to get the KMA/pointfinder part of the software working, but am having trouble with the blast/acquired resistance gene finder part. When I run the test, it throws an error for the blast tests. The directory containing blastn (/scg/apps/legacy/software/blast/2.2.31+/bin) is in my path, but the test throws errors. Even when I supply the full path to blastn (below), it still throws the same errors. Any help or insight would be great!

Thanks in advance,


python3 tests/functional_tests.py -k /oak/stanford/scg/lab_asbhatt/alvinhan/tools/resfinder/cge/kma/kma -b /scg/apps/legacy/software/blast/2.2.31+/bin/blastn

ERROR: test_on_data_with_just_acquired_resgene_using_blast (main.ResFinderRunTest)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tests/functional_tests.py", line 94, in test_on_data_with_just_acquired_resgene_using_blast
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 438, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'python3 /oak/stanford/scg/lab_asbhatt/alvinhan/tools/resfinder/run_resfinder.py -ifa data/test_isolate_01.fa -o running_test/test1 -s 'Escherichia coli' --min_cov 0.6 -t 0.8 --acquired --db_path_res /oak/stanford/scg/lab_asbhatt/alvinhan/tools/resfinder/db_resfinder --blastPath /scg/apps/legacy/software/blast/2.2.31+/bin/blastn' returned non-zero exit status 1.


ERROR: test_on_data_with_just_point_mut_using_blast (main.ResFinderRunTest)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tests/functional_tests.py", line 210, in test_on_data_with_just_point_mut_using_blast
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 438, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'python3 /oak/stanford/scg/lab_asbhatt/alvinhan/tools/resfinder/run_resfinder.py -ifa data/test_isolate_05.fa -o running_test/test3 -s 'Escherichia coli' --min_cov 0.6 --threshold 0.8 --point --db_path_point /oak/stanford/scg/lab_asbhatt/alvinhan/tools/resfinder/db_pointfinder --db_path_res /oak/stanford/scg/lab_asbhatt/alvinhan/tools/resfinder/db_resfinder --blastPath /scg/apps/legacy/software/blast/2.2.31+/bin/blastn' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Ran 4 tests in 11.924s

FAILED (errors=2)

Comments (4)

  1. Alfred Ferrer Florensa

    Hello Alvin,

    I am not sure why the error, as I can run the tests, but we can try to figure it out. It seems the blastn part is failing. Could you try to update the blast version? I am using the version 2.8.1. If then it works, please tell us, and we will state that it is required that version for the ResFinder software.



  2. CGE Helpdesk

    Dear User,

    Did the above suggestion solve your problem, and can we mark the issue as resolved?

    Kind regards

    Malene, CGE Helpdesk

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