kma fails to compile

Issue #49 resolved
Anto created an issue


I'm trying to get kma installed on my computational cluster for eventually running ResFinder tool but I'm stuck at the compilation step with the below error (Note- posted this issue on kma repository page too). CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 is being used on my cluster login node. I would appreciate if you've any ideas on fixing this error. Please fel free to get back to me if you need any additional information.

(virtualenv3) [name@loginXXX-XX-X cge]$ cd kma && make
/sw/csi/intel/2017/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/intel64/icc -Wall -O3 -std=c99 -c -o alnfrags.o alnfrags.c
alnfrags.c(1079): error: first argument must be a pointer to integer or enumeration type
lockTime(excludeIn, 65536);

alnfrags.c(1089): error: first argument must be a pointer to integer or enumeration type

alnfrags.c(1150): error: first argument must be a pointer to integer or enumeration type

alnfrags.c(1152): error: first argument must be a pointer to integer or enumeration type

compilation aborted for alnfrags.c (code 2)
make: *** [alnfrags.o] Error 2