missing version information

Issue #67 resolved
Peter Cock created an issue

There is no obvious way to check what version of resfinder is installed (and the user may not be the person who installed it).

It is common practice to offer a -v or --version switch at the command line to report (just) the tool version.

Another convention is to include the version number near the start of the -h or --help text.

I am using version 4.1.6 but I only know this because I installed from git and examined the tags and picked this (the current latest tag) explicitly with “git checkout 4.1.6” during installation.

Comments (7)

  1. CGE Helpdesk

    Dear Peter,

    We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.
    The ResFinder version can now be extracted from the git tag when using -v or --version.

    Help information can be displayed with

    python3 -h

    Karen, CGE Helpdesk

  2. Peter Cock reporter

    I’m not convinced that 5cc9412f0502d9bdbc69dc59d5e6631b8bd7063f is enough, that change will report any version information from the git history - so it can only work if the user’s copy of is in a clone of the git repository.

    It will not work if ResFinder was installed from a tar-ball or other copy of the source code. This would be a problem for example if ResFinder is packaged for installation by Conda, a Linux distribution, or similar.

  3. CGE Helpdesk

    Dear Peter,

    Although it is a fair point, due to our limited resources we can only cover the functionality of ResFinder for the installation that we recommend (clone the repository). However, as you might already know, a conda versions are in the making. We will make sure create tags and update to these as well. We hope you understand.

    Karen, CGE Helpdesk

  4. Peter Cock reporter

    Having ResFinder on conda will cover a lot of potential users, so as long as you keep this in mind during the packaging work, it should be fine. Thank you.

  5. RolfKaas

    Resolved in version 4.2.1. ResFinder is now available through pip (and docker hub) and verion can be obtained through "-v" or "--version".

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