kma output

Issue #72 resolved
daoerxianqiao created an issue


about kma out put ,i notice it comes out ‘resfinder_kma’and other pheno_table.txt、ResFinder_results.txt…but it didn’t give a

result . only ‘resfinder_kma’have result .my input file is fastq file .if use fastq to analyse only gives result in ‘resfinder_kma’?

and my parameter ‘-l 0.6 -t 0.8’ seems like doesn’t work.because the output file Template_Identity only 40.99.

and can you give me the four ‘Template_Identity、Template_Coverage、Query_Identity、Query_Coverage ’ detailed description.and the parameter ‘-l 0.6 -t 0.8’ influence which of them.

thank you for your time in these.

Comments (5)

  1. daoerxianqiao reporter

    I really need to know the answer,someone can help me solve these questions?Thank you.

  2. Maja Weiss


    Thank you for your patience, and I hope this will answer your questions.

    The thresholds are hold against the KMA output to decide which will be counted as a hit by ResFinder. -l 0.6 will mean that the Template_coverage needs to be 60% or more. -t 0.8 will result in a hit in ResFinder if the Template_identity is 80% or above.

    The KMA output is only an intermediate result so in your case, since the template identity is below 80% this will not result in a hit in ResFinder.

    Template relates to the gene sequence from the database, Template_Coverage is how much of the template is covered by the query sequence, which is your input sequence. The Query_Coverage is then how much of the query sequence is covered by the template. Template_Identity is the number of matching nucleotides between the template and the query divided by the length of the template, while Query_Identity is number of matching nucleotides divided by the query length.

    Best regards,


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