Species-specific phenotype for gene

Issue #92 resolved
Former user created an issue

Thanks for the great tool.

Some genes only exhibit a phenotype in a specific species. For example, OXA-2 in Acinetobacter baumannii displays carbapenem resistance vs in E. coli does not: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/AAC.02522-13

Is it possible to do this with ResFinder? If not, would appreciate if you could add this feature...thanks!

Comments (2)

  1. CGE Helpdesk

    Dear Mr./Mrs.

    Thank you for your interest in ResFinder.

    I believe what you are asking is possible within ResFinder. If you add the -s flag and specify the species, you will get two pheno_table outputs. The first one is the regular pheno_table.txt containing all antimicrobials while the second one, pheno_table_species_name.txt, will only contain the antimicrobials relevant for the selected species.

    Best Regards

    Maja, CGE Helpdesk

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