create repo error

Issue #26 resolved
Gerry Hall created an issue

the following code errors

$repo = new Bitbucket\API\Repositories\Repository;
    new Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuthListener($oauth_params)

// now you can access protected endpoints as consumer owner
$response = $repo->create('company','new_repo');

investigating this the problem lays with in the create method currently the method test the $param parameter like so

// allow developer to directly specify params as json if (s)he wants.
        if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {
            $params = json_encode(array_merge(
                    'scm'               => 'git',
                    'name'              => $repo,
                    'is_private'        => true,
                    'description'       => 'My secret repo',
                    'forking_policy'    => 'no_forks',

but as the default is array() the above test will always return false if $params is supplied. this can be fixed multiple way but the easiest would be to remove the test and to all way merge the arrays, and to force $params by altering the signature like so array $params = array()

then the if statement could be removed completely and would look something liike this.

            $params = json_encode(array_merge(
                    'scm'               => 'git',
                    'name'              => $repo,
                    'is_private'        => true,
                    'description'       => 'My secret repo',
                    'forking_policy'    => 'no_forks',

Comments (10)

  1. Alexandru Guzinschi

    @gerryghall Can you please run a test with develop branch and confirm that the issue is fixed before I tag ?

  2. Gerry Hall reporter

    I have ran 3 tests 2 of which passed the third passed an empty sting like so.

    $response = $repo->create('company','repo', '');

    this fails as I would except a InvalidArgumentException to be thrown but got Warning: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array which then escalates to a 500 by the REST API "{"error": {"message": "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'iteritems'", "id": "c792d08035c44f14b5e8c3807e90ee22"}}"

    I do believe using type hinting will simplify the method.

  3. Alexandru Guzinschi

    Added verification for empty string. You can test the develop branch.

    I do believe using type hinting will simplify the method.

    I can't typehint $params as array, because it can also be a JSON string and on top of that I would prefer not breaking the API before 1.0 release.

  4. Gerry Hall reporter

    this may provide the desired effect

     // allow developer to directly specify params as json if (s)he wants.
            if ('string' === gettype($params)) {
                if(!($params = json_decode($params, true))){
                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid JSON provided.');
  5. Gerry Hall reporter

    I have retested and all passes I hadn't pulled your changes. I have also created a test that asserts the exception ill send thought a Pull request just shortly.

    FYI the about yields the same with only 1 conditional statement

  6. Alexandru Guzinschi

    I have retested and all passes I hadn't pulled your changes.

    Please be more explicit.

    • Did you test the latest changes from develop branch ?
    • The reported problem has been solved ?
    • Do you still have problems regarding reported issue ?
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