Request for MERGED pull requests returns open requests

Issue #36 invalid
Russell Smith created an issue
$pull = new Bitbucket\API\Repositories\PullRequests();
    new \Bitbucket\API\Http\Client(array('timeout' => 0)));
$pull->setCredentials( new Bitbucket\API\Authentication\Basic($bb_user, $bb_pass) );

$list = $pull->all($account_name, $repo_slug, array('state' => 'MERGED'));

Comments (3)

  1. Alexandru Guzinschi

    Because you are creating a custom client instance, you need to enable NormalizeArrayListener before making a request:

    $pull->getClient()->addListener(new \Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\NormalizeArrayListener());

    You can read the class description to find what exactly does.

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