Private Repo - Downloadable zip link?

Issue #40 wontfix
Bilal TAS created an issue


Can you guys help me creating a download link to any Bitbucket private repository with this APIs? I'm trying to update a Wordpress plugin via Bitbucket. I can get a single file content with "raw()" function in "Repository" class, but I couldn't create the zipball link that Wordpress core can pull the zip file and unpack it.

I hope I could explained my request clearly. Thanks in advance..

Comments (7)

  1. Alexandru Guzinschi

    You can use the following URL template to download an archive of your repository:<team>/<repo>/get/<sha1>.(zip|gz|bz2)

    For example, to download the current version of bitbucket-api library, you can access the following URL:

    You can also tag a release and use the same link template to download it:<team>/<repo>/get/<tag>.(zip|gz|bz2)


    You can also vote for BB-3711. Maybe it will be implemented in the future.

  2. Bilal TAS reporter

    I can download files with these links only if it's a public repository, isn't it? Am I able to download private zip files with these link templates without any authorization? If I need to authorize, can you please give me a php code example to create Authorized Private Repo Link if possible? Like in your examples:

    $bitbucket = new \Bitbucket\API\Api();
          new Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuthListener($oauth_params)
    $authorized_link = $bitbucket->api('{Appropriate}\{Class}')->maybe_necessary_function_to_do_it();

    It's done with adding a query string to the link in Github. But, I couldn't find any way to do it in Bitbucket yet.

    For Github:

    $zipball_url = "<team>/<repo>/archive/<master|tag>.zip";
    if( $authorize_token ) { // Is there an access token?
        $zipball_url = add_query_arg( 'access_token', $authorize_token, $zipball_url ); // Update our zip url with token
  3. Alexandru Guzinschi

    There is no API endpoint for downloads (see issue BB-3711 that I also linked in my previous answer), so you can't use this client to download an archive.

    I can download files with these links only if it's a public repository, isn't it?

    You can download from private repositories also, but you need to sign in using Basic HTTP:

    curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $username . ":" . $password);

    But I don't recommend doing this from a Wordpress plugin, because your Bitbucket credentials will be at risk.

    You should store the archives somewhere else, where you can have the possibility to manage permissions in a more secure way, or write (and host) your own proxy which will make connection between each Wordpress installation and Bitbucket in a secure way (OAuth2, short TTL tokens per each WP install, etc).

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