How can I assign issue to the user

Issue #53 invalid
Hubert Grzesiek created an issue

I would like to assign issue to the user on create or update but I cannot do that. I've followed the official docs from bitbucket api, but no luck.

Any chance that someone can point me in the right direction?

Thank you

Comments (2)

  1. Alexandru Guzinschi
    // @see:<username>/api
    $oauth_params = array(
        'client_id'         => '',
        'client_secret'     => ''
    $issue = new \Bitbucket\API\Repositories\Issues();
        new \Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuth2Listener($oauth_params)
    $response = $issue->update($account_name, $repo_slug, $issue_id, array(
        'responsible' => 'vimishor'

    Remember that the OAuth consumer you will use, needs issue:write scope in order to update an issue.

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