Mapfish Printing "legend" when it is added as an image

Issue #1063 resolved
Nikhil Jose created an issue


In the newer versions (tested in 2.33.1) the printing of legend is not working correctly when the legend is added as an image URL. This can be seen in the Geo-Online Hamburg for the themes ‘MRH Historische Kulturlandschaften', 'Forschungseinrichtungen’ etc.

In our internal viewer the legend is printing, but the whole legend is showing as a very small symbol.

Is this problem already known? Or is it some bug?



Comments (4)

  1. Christopher Reder

    Hello Nikhil,

    the legends are now displayed again in the printout. We know about the problem with the size of legends that are available as images. There is no possibility for the print service to say that it should always be displayed as the original size of the image. I have adapted the template so that the images are now displayed larger and are based on the height of the original.


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