Layer legend for WMTS not shown even if explicitly set

Issue #622 resolved
Dominik Fröhlich created an issue

In Version 2.8.0 the legend of a WMTS Layer is not loaded even if an explicit URL is set, e.g.

    "id": "topplus_wmts",
    "name": "TopPlusOpen",
    "capabilitiesUrl": "",
    "urls": "",
    "optionsFromCapabilities": true,
    "typ": "WMTS",
    "layers": "web",
    "format": "image/png",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "origin": [-20037508.3428, 20037508.3428],
    "style": "default",
        "transparent": true,
        "tileSize": "256",
        "minScale": "3000",
        "maxScale": "2500000",
        "tileMatrixSet": "EU_EPSG_25832_TOPPLUS",
        "coordinateSystem": "EPSG:3857",
        "legend": "",
        "requestEncoding": "REST",
        "resLength": "18",
    "layerAttribution": "Quellenvermerk: © Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie",
    "datasets": [
        "md_id": "1B115542-114F-4E11-992E-CB0677898650"

The behaviour is observed for both "optionsFromCapabilities": true and "optionsFromCapabilities": false.

The legend url is valid and does return a png image.



Comments (4)

  1. Dominik Fröhlich reporter


    The issue does not occur if the legend is set as an array with one element:

    "legend": [""]

    In that case the legend is loaded normally.

  2. Inka Dudek

    Wir nutzen in Hamburg keine WMTS-Layer, daher bearbeiten wir keine Tickets zu dem Thema. Die Doku wurde angepasst, da es ja mit einem String[] funktioniert.

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