no default for csw_url in current dev (2.13.1)

Issue #642 resolved
Dominik Fröhlich created an issue

In the current dev (2.13.1) a default value for csw_url is not set, so metadata is not requested if csw_url is not set explicitely in every layer def in the services.json.

In case there is nor csw_url defined in services.json, the csw url from the rest-services could be used as a default. Otherwise we have to set the exact same url for most of the layers (what was not necessery for the older versions (tested with 2.8.0)).

The issue arises from /modules/layerInformation/store/actionsLayerInformation.js::111ff

else if (metaInfo.cswUrl !== null && typeof metaInfo.metaId !== "undefined") {
    metadata = await getRecordById(metaInfo.cswUrl, metaInfo.metaId);

lacking another else if only checking for typeof metaInfo.metaId !== "undefined" and applying the csw url from the rest-serives.json.



Comments (8)

  1. Christopher Reder

    Hello Mr Fröhlich, Thank you very much for pointing out the error and suggesting a solution. You are welcome to implement this in the form of a pull request and send it to us.

    With kind regards Christopher Reder

  2. Dominik Fröhlich reporter

    My user unfortunatelly is lacking permission to open pull requests…



  3. Dominik Fröhlich reporter

    I see. i was confused by the mouseover telling me I don’t have permission to create a pull request.

    I’ll create a fork and retry. Thanks!

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