SensorThings Observations Chart is empty when string IDs are configured in FROST-Server

Issue #660 resolved
Ilias Kotinas created an issue

FROST-Server allows the usage of UUIDs and String keys in all entities. See under the persistence section. The keys can be provided by the client as well (see persistence.idGenerationMode setting). This has some benefits if someone has already a unique primary key for their data (for idempotent operations etc.).

The function isObservation() at staTools.js returns false if the “” field (the primary key) is not a number. Therefore the chart is empty if the FROST-Server is configured with String keys.

Removing the line && typeof observation[""] === "number" fixes the issue.

For non-developers, in the minified version, one can remove the above line by running:

sed -i 's/&&"number"==typeof e\[""\]//g' masterportal.js

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