"wfssearch" & "bufferAnalysis" not working with "treeType": "custom"

Issue #663 on hold
Nikhil Jose created an issue


I tested the new versions of masterportal and the new tools. For me the new tools “wfssearch“ and the “bufferAnalysis“ are not working with the “treeType“: “custom“. But it is working when i define “treeType“ as “light“.

I tested for the versions 2.14.0 and 2.15.0.

Is this a bug or it is only available for the treeType “light”?



Comments (17)

  1. Markus Rullkoetter


    sadly I was not able to reproduce the reported bugs.
    I managed to add both tools wfssearch & bufferAnalysis in Versions 2.15.0 and in 2.19.0 with treeType: ”custom”.
    Could you please provide me your configuration?

    Kind regards
    Markus Rullkötter

  2. Dennis Sen

    @geowerkstatt Can you please supply us with additional information? Richard above seems to have retraced it, but I can @ neither him nor Nikhil directly.

  3. Richard Schmid

    Hello @Dennis - I also can’t reproduce it anymore. In the current Dev branch in the masterCustom portal with these tools added it seems to work, even if I’m not sure about how the bufferAnalysis is supposed to work….

  4. Nikhil Jose reporter

    Hello @Dennis Sen ,

    I tried to test the Buffer Analysis and WFS Search with the configuration below for the standard layers present in the downloadable data.

    I tested today in the new version 2.20.1 and the WFS Search is working now when i change the tree type to “custom“.

    The problem with “Bufferanalysis“ seems to exist even now. (Could be a configuration failure from my side)

    "wfsSearch": {
                            "instances": [
                                    "requestConfig": {
                                        "layerId": "8712",
                                        "maxFeatures": "showAll"
                                    "title": "Search",
                                    "resultDialogTitle": "WFSSearch",
                                    "resultList": {
                                        "schulname": "Name",
                                        "adresse_strasse_hausnr": "Gebiet",
                                        "geom": "Geometry"
                                    "suggestions": {
                                        "featureType": "staatliche_schulen",
                                        "length": 3
                                    "literals": [
                                            "field": {
                                                            "type": "equal",
                                                            "fieldName": "schulname",
                                                            "inputLabel": "Name"

    "bufferAnalysis": {
                            "name": "bufferAnalysis"

    Thanks a lot,


  5. Markus Rullkoetter

    Hi Richard,
    Hi Nikhil,

    thanks for your reports.
    Due to your reports and my successful attemt to use wfsSearch and bufferAnalysis I rate this Issue as closed.
    The bufferAnalysis needs at least one configured WFS-Layer. So it is possible you could not see the tool without a WFS.


  6. Markus Rullkoetter
    • changed status to open

    Der Fehler ist nun doch wieder aufgetreten. Hier eine Konfiguration die das Problem mit der Bufferanalyse zeigt:



        "Portalconfig": {
        "treeType": "custom",
            "searchBar": {
                "komoot": {
            "minChars": 3,
            "serviceId": "11",
            "limit": 20,
            "lang": "de",
            "lat": 53.6,
            "lon": 10.0,
            "bbox": "9.6,53.3,10.4,53.8"
          "visibleVector": {},
          "tree": {},
                "startZoomLevel": 9,
                "placeholder": "Suche nach: - Adresse - Aktiven WFS"
            "mapView": {
                "backgroundImage": "./resources/img/backgroundCanvas.jpeg",
                "startCenter": [486320.0, 5883835.0],
                "extent": [440000.0, 5850000.0, 600000.0, 5960000.0],
                "startZoomLevel": 1
            "menu": {
                "tree": {
                    "name": "Themen"
                "tools": {
                    "name": "Werkzeuge",
                    "children": {
                        "gfi": {
                "name": "Informationen abfragen",
                            "active": true
                        "coordToolkit": {
                            "name": "Koordinaten"
                        "bufferAnalysis": {
                            "name": "Buffer"
                        "measure": {
                            "name": "Strecke / Fläche messen"
                        "draw": {
                            "name": "Zeichnen / Schreiben"
                        "fileImport": {
                            "name": "Datei Import"
                        "saveSelection": {
                            "name": "Auswahl speichern"
                "legend": {
                    "name": "Legende"
                "info": {
                    "name": "Informationen",
                    "children": {
                        "staticlinks": [
                                "name": "Masterportal",
                                "url": "https://masterportal.org"
            "controls": {
                "zoom": true,
                "orientation": {
                    "zoomMode": "once"
                "attributions": true,
                "mousePosition": true
        "Themenconfig": {
            "Hintergrundkarten": {
                "Layer": [
                        "id": "11",
                        "name": "WMS ADV basiskarte.de Web Raster (Beta)",
                        "visibility": true,
                        "urlIsVisible": true
            "Fachdaten": {
                "Layer": [
                      "id": "101",
              "name": "WFS Point (Default Style)"
                        "id": "128",
                "name": "Schulen"

  7. Dennis Sen

    On taking insight, I noticed that the aforementioned configuration by Markus does show the “BufferAnalysis” tool, but does not offer the currently enabled WFS – instead, the WFS that are configured with "visibility": true were offered, independant of which layers were offered at tool activation.

    I started a Pull Request https://bitbucket.org/geowerkstatt-hamburg/masterportal/pull-requests/3449/issue-663-fix-buffer-analysis that somewhat fixes this issue by updating the available (=visible) layers on tool activation. Unfortunately, the tool will not notice changes to visible layers while it’s open. The Pull Request does contain a configuration folder that can be used to view the changes.

    However, I’m not sure whether I fixed the issue that was initially described, as the tool was “just there and openable” when I checked. It’s been completely missing for you? If so, please attach the full configuration folder for me to check.

  8. Dennis Sen

    I’ve investigated, and it seems the original requirements were that all WFS (independant of whether active or not) are supposed to be selectable from this tool. Hence I’m declining my previous pull request, since it does not really fix the underlying issue, and search for another solution.

  9. Dennis Sen

    Hi everyone,

    we've tried to tackle the second issue (not all configured WFS available in tool) from different angles, but decided that waiting for a refactoring of the layer tree was the most plausible approach. All other solutions quickly grew bloated and would hinder the pending migration that may solve the problem or, at least, make it easier to solve it.

    For the first issue (tool doesn't appear at all), I can't recreate it anymore, and assume it has been solved. Sorry for the confusion, and I hope it won't occur again. Should it yet again become an issue, please note the exact point in time it was tested (or, if possible, a commit id or new version), so I may investigate further.

    I'm putting the issue "on hold" until the layer tree is refactored or the issue reappears.

  10. Dennis Sen
    • changed status to open

    There's been another report from Bremen confirming the initial issue for the current release.

  11. Dennis Sen

    From a previously rejected PR https://bitbucket.org/geowerkstatt-hamburg/masterportal/pull-requests/3449, this change request is noted for the finalization of this ticket:

    der VectorLayer triggert derzeit noch über Radio wenn die features geladen sind und in actionsMapAttributesMapper → setMapAttributes wird auf den channel VectorLayer gehört und der Layer in das array loadedLayers unter Maps geaddet. Kannst du auf eine Änderung des arrays in Maps hören?

    For now, the PR has been reconstructed with additional documentation to meet Bremen’s needs regarding this tool. The reoccurring error was in fact not issue 1 (tool doesn’t appear at all), but issue 2 (no WFS available from select in tool).

    For now, the tool will provide the user with all configured and visible WFS at tool activation time until the layer tree refactoring has taken place.

    New PR: https://bitbucket.org/geowerkstatt-hamburg/masterportal/pull-requests/3496/issue-663-fix-custom-tree-buffer-analysis

  12. Dennis Sen

    PR is merged. Since the issue is just "hotfxed", it's put "on hold" until the layer tree is migrated to Vue.

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