GFI- Handling 'Null' values

Issue #697 resolved
Nikhil Jose created an issue


In the older versions, the attribute fields without any values were not showing in the GFI window.

We have many complex tables in out internal GIS-Viewer and it was good when it was not showing the 'Null' values in the GFI window. In the new version we are getting a long list which shows all the attributes. I am attaching an image which shows this.

Is this a bug or is it decided that it should be like this?



Comments (13)

  1. Nikhil Jose reporter


    Previously we were using 2.5.3. It was working there. I tested in other versions now and it is not working in the versions afterwards.

  2. Pascal Röhling

    Hi Nikhil,

    would you be able to provide me with an example configuration including the service in question?

  3. Nikhil Jose reporter

    Hallo pascal,

    I am attaching a test wms-service where you can test the behaviour of “Null“ values in masterportal.

    I am also attaching the corresponding services-internet.json entry here. I hope you can test it in 2.5.3 version and in the newer versions to see the difference.

    Thanks in advance,


    "id" : "lkel_test_gfi",
    "name" : "lkel_test_gfi",
    "url" : "",
    "typ" : "WMS",
    "layers" : "lkel_test_gfi",
    "format" : "image/png",
    "version" : "1.3.0",
    "singleTile" : false,
    "transparent" : true,
    "transparency" : 0,
    "tilesize" : "512",
    "gutter" : "0",
    "minScale" : "0",
    "maxScale" : "500000",
    "gfiAttributes" : "showAll",
    "gfiTheme" : "default",
    "legendURL" : "",
    "cache" : false,
    "featureCount" : "1",
    "datasets" : []

  4. Pascal Röhling

    Hi Nikhil,
    thank you very much for the provided service!

    The issue seems to be fixed in v2.19.0!

    If, however, the issue persists on your end, it’d gladly look further into this.

    Kind regards

  5. Nikhil Jose reporter

    Hallo Pascal,

    Thanks for assessing the problem and for the answer.

    I tested now in the 2.19.0 version in our portal in Internet and it is working fine there. But somehow the problem still exists in our “Internal Portal“. Do you have any thoughts what the reason could be?

    Thanks and regards,


  6. Pascal Röhling

    Hi Nikhil,

    glad to hear that it (partially) works on your end as well!

    Unfortunately I won’t be able to further assist you in the bug hunt regarding your internal portal.
    Maybe someone in the Trello board may be of assistance to you!

    My first guess would be that some part of the configuration of the internal portal still causes the problem

    Kind regards, Pascal

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