Issue #21 resolved
Ícaro Obregón created an issue

Hi again,

When I execute a SELECT after an INSERT and/or DELETE I get the next message:

NOTICE: Undefined property: Database::$_query

This is the code I use:

            // Delete unselected tags
            if(count($del) > 0) {
                $db->delete('photo_tag')->where_in('id', $del)->execute();

            // Insert new selected tags
            if(count($ins) > 0) {
                for($i = 0; $i < count($ins); $i++) {
                    $data = array(
                        'photo_id' =>   $id,
                        'tag_id' => $db->escape($ins[$i])

                    $last_id = $db->insert('photo_tag', $data);

            $photo_tags = $db->select('id, tag_id')->from('photo_tag')->where('photo_id', $id)->order_by('tag_id', 'asc')->fetch();

            $tags = array();

            foreach($photo_tags as $photo_tag) {
                $tags[] = array(
                    'relation_id' => $photo_tag['id'],
                    'tag_id' => $photo_tag['tag_id'],
                    'literal' => $literal[(int) $photo_tag['tag_id']]

The error message disappear if I initialize again $db between the INSERT and DELETE and the other one.


Comments (7)

  1. Vivek N repo owner

    Assuming that photo_tag is the table name, the correct delete query should be

    $db->delete()->from('photo_tag')->where('id', $del) -> execute();
    // Produces DELETE FROM photo_tag WHERE id = '11';     // assuming that $del = 11 

    Note that you are using "where_in" instead of "where".

  2. Ícaro Obregón reporter

    Yes, I´m using 'where_in' because $del is an array (could be a single row array of course, but works perfectly in that case).

    I replaced my query with the one provided by you, but I keep getting the error message if I didn´t initialize again with:

    $db = new Database(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT);

    before the SELECT query :c(

    I´m developing in XAMMP for OSX with PHP 5.5.9 (if this kind of data helps in some way)

  3. Vivek N repo owner

    Alright, I got you now. I am going to go ahead and try to duplicate this issue at my end.

  4. Vivek N repo owner

    Can you paste the table schema ? I am unable to duplicate the issue from your description. For example,

    $insert = ['firstname' => 'Vivek', 'lastname' => 'V' , 'email' => '' ] ;
    $id = $db->insert('tblusers', $insert) ;
    $row = $db->from('tblusers')->where('id', $id)->fetch_first();

    This works fine at my end. Also tell me at which line do you get this error.

  5. Vivek N repo owner

    Well, I just noticed that you are getting a "NOTICE". You can ignore this error using error_reporting()

  6. Ícaro Obregón reporter

    I´m setting error_reporting(0) and the message disappears (obviously!) :c)

    Although this solution works, if you want to try to duplicate the issue, this is the table schema:

    $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS photo_tag (' .
                'id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ' .
                'photo_id int(10) NOT NULL, ' .
                'tag_id int(10) NOT NULL, ' .
                'PRIMARY KEY (id)' .
                ') ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;';
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO photo_tag (photo_id, tag_id) VALUES' .
                '(2, 1), ' .
                '(1, 6), ' .
                '(1, 2), ' .
                '(1, 4), ' .
                '(2, 5), ' .
                '(2, 3), ' .
                '(1, 8), ' .
                '(2, 7), ' .
                '(2, 9);';

    And the code:

    // Dummy vars for testing
    $id = 1;
    $del = [2];
    $ins = [5, 3];
    require_once 'php-mysqli-class/class.database.php';
    $db = new Database(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT);
    if(count($del) > 0) {
        $db->delete()->from('photo_tag')->where_in('id', $del)->execute();
    if(count($ins) > 0) {
        for($i = 0; $i < count($ins); $i++) {
            $data = array(
                'photo_id' =>   $id,
                'tag_id' => $db->escape($ins[$i])
            $db->insert('photo_tag', $data);
    // $db = new Database(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME, DB_PORT);
    $photo_tags = $db->select('id, tag_id')->from('photo_tag')->where('photo_id', $id)->order_by('tag_id', 'asc')->fetch();
    foreach($photo_tags as $photo_tag) {

    Turning on and off the comment in line 25 (and with no specific error_reporting setting) you should get the message.

  7. Vivek N repo owner

    PHP throws a notice error if a variable is not set during a script execution. Though this will not affect the functions of this php class, it is recommend that you turn off the error notice.

    For a development environment, I would recommend E_ALL ~ E_NOTICE

    ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
    error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
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