Call exectute after fetch and fetch_first gives out an notice

Issue #22 resolved
NoXPhasma created an issue

When I execute an sql query after fetch_first or fetch I get this php notice in error.log of apache:

PHP Notice:  Undefined property: Database::$_query in /var/www/includes/class.database.php on line 489

The line which produce this notice is in the public function fetch:

if ($this -> _executed == FALSE || !$this -> _query)

To fix this, it needs to be checked if the variable is set:

if ($this -> _executed == FALSE || !isset($this -> _query))

This is the same to line 520, which is in the public function fetch_first.

Whole fix:

     * Fetches the result of an execution.
     * @return array Returns an Associate Array of results.
    public function fetch()
        if ($this -> _executed == FALSE || !isset($this -> _query))
            $this -> execute();

        if (is_object($this -> _result))
            $this -> _executed = FALSE;
            // Checks whether fetch_all method is available. It is available only with MySQL
            // Native Driver.
            if (method_exists('mysqli_result', 'fetch_all'))
                $results = $this -> _result -> fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
                for ($results = array(); $tmp = $this -> _result -> fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); )
                    $results[] = $tmp;
            return $results;
            $this -> oops('Unable to perform fetch()');


     * Fetches the first row of the result
    public function fetch_first()
        if ($this -> _executed == FALSE || !isset($this -> _query))
            $this -> execute();

        if (is_object($this -> _result))
            $this -> _executed = FALSE;
            $results = $this -> _result -> fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
            return $results;
            $this -> oops('Unable to perform fetch_first()');

Comments (3)

  1. Vivek N repo owner

    I accidently merged your fork. It breaks my release branch and git flow. Whenever you submit a fork, you should branch from master and submit that branch to me. I guess you submitted your master

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