limit not reseting after being set

Issue #8 resolved
nargotik created an issue

After put a limit on a query _limit and _offset dont gets reseted, and in the next query i get limit without having set it up

private function reset()
        unset($this -> _query);
        $this -> _delete = FALSE;
        $this -> _distinct = FALSE;
        $this -> _dryrun = FALSE;
        $this -> array_where = array();
        $this -> array_select = array();
        $this -> array_like = array();
        $this -> array_wherein = array();
        $this -> array_groupby = array();
        $this -> array_having = array();
        $this -> array_orderby = array();
        $this -> array_join = array();

is missing

                unset($this -> _limit);
                unset($this -> _offset);

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