More complete setup - starting server process issue

Issue #5 resolved
Al created an issue

Hi all,

The Rockstar code initially compiled and the quickstart ran without a problem - however, the output file (halos_0.04.ascii) didn't display any halo properties, so I followed the more complete setup detailed in 2.2 in the README.pdf. When I specified the snapshot file path, snapshot file numbers, NUM_BLOCKS, PARALLEL_IO, etc., and tried to start the server process under the new options, the code wouldn't compile. Trying to do a quick run or starting the server both resulted in the code trying to connect, printing: "[ 0s] Accepting connections..." , but nothing happens afterwards for hours. (The output is shown in the .png screenshots.) Is there a way to get the server to start under the more complete setup, and return results for dark matter halo snapshots? Thank you so much in advance.

Comments (4)

  1. Al reporter

    Hi Sarah, sorry for the late reply - if you still have this issue, it actually isn’t and issue, it is just ROCKSTAR running in parallel. If you don’t have a large number of snapshot files, you probably don’t need to reset the snapshot numbers, etc., and just use the default settings.

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