
Clone wiki

gkw / Support

Summary: Getting help with GKW.

GKW support

We are happy to help new users get started with GKW, and to help more experienced users with development, interpretation and debugging.

The preferred method for discussing such issues is through the issue tracker, but we may also be able to help via email if your discussion needs to be private.

Please also have a good look in the manual and other documentation, as there is a lot of useful information there.

Help with running GKW

If you are having problems running GKW:

  1. Describe the problem and include the error message
  2. Specify the machine hardware
  3. Attach your input.dat (or input.out if you have it)
  4. Specify the GKW version or revision number (or attach the file)

Help with compiling GKW

Documentation on compiling

If you still have problems, please:

  1. Describe the problem and include the make output / error messages
  2. Specify the machine hardware
  3. Attach your config file or makefile
  4. Specify the GKW version or revision number.
