voronoi.Voronoi. computeNeighbors index out of range bug

Issue #125 resolved
Paul Dodd created an issue

File "analyze.py", line 18, in analyze_first_coordinate_shell v.computeNeighbors(positions=lattice.particles.position[:]); File "/Users/Paul/local/freud/voronoi.py", line 101, in computeNeighbors self.firstShellNeighborList[ridge_points[k,1]] = self.firstShellNeighborList[ridge_points[k,1]] + [ridge_points[k,0]] IndexError: list index out of range

Comments (13)

  1. Paul Dodd reporter

    @bdice I have not looked at the new neighbor list code. So I am not sure. There were other issue beyond this one and I am willing to take a look into it and see if the changes I made are obsolete now.

  2. Paul Dodd reporter

    yeah I looked at that last night. looks like that does have some of the changes that I made as well.

  3. Vyas Ramasubramani

    These are the changes that you made on the voronoi_fix branch, correct? So after we merge PR 117 we can close this issue and delete the voronoi_fix branch, is that right?

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