Tests from repository root.

Issue #164 resolved
Bradley Dice created an issue

We should be able to run tests from the repository root directory. Currently it tries to import the freud module directly, which won't work since it hasn't been compiled.

Comments (4)

  1. Bradley Dice reporter

    @vramasub I experimented with this for a while, trying to force freud to load the installed module if it detects the local directory. I was only moderately successful, and it was such a hack that I wouldn't feel comfortable changing the warning behavior we have currently. However, I would suggest we try running the tests directly from the tests/ directory instead of the home directory in CI. If we just cd tests/ and pass . as the path to nose, it should work fine and would be cleaner than our current setup.

  2. Vyas Ramasubramani

    Sure we can change that. I was looking a little into using setuptools to built cython with extension modules (that's what I've done with a package I wrote for a class), and I wonder if that might not be cleaner than our current build. The main difficulty with this would be incorporating libraries like TBB I would imagine. But it might be something we can look into as a general cleanup task. As a bonus, I think that would resolve this issue because that's the more standard workflow for cython repos.

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