test_pos file missing

Issue #2 resolved
Eric Harper created an issue

I don't recall where this file went, or if we even need this test.

Comments (4)

  1. M. Eric Irrgang

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. What file are we talking about and how does the bug manifest? Is this related to a commit with my name on it? Which one?

  2. Eric Harper reporter

    so, there is a file referenced, "pos_test.pos" that is not there. I am not sure who should actually be listed, but I figured you had at least a bit of a reason to be tagged on this. I'll see who/what deleted it.

  3. Eric Harper reporter

    Hmm...that is strange, it appears that file never existed...it looks like a test pos file is needed. Would you happen to have one?

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