wsip into bitbucket and build error

Issue #31 closed
Eric Harper created an issue


Trying to build your wsip branch for Ona, and ran into this error (also, move the wsip branch to bitbucket, couldn't find it)

/Users/shemio/wsip_freud/cpp/wsip/ error: reference to 'list' is ambiguous list sigmas, ^ /opt/local/include/boost/python/list.hpp:57:7: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'boost::python::list' class list : public detail::list_base ^ /Applications/ note: candidate found by name lookup is 'std::__1::list' template<class, class> friend class list; ^ /Users/shemio/wsip_freud/cpp/wsip/ error: reference to 'list' is ambiguous list py_pbc) ^ /opt/local/include/boost/python/list.hpp:57:7: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'boost::python::list' class list : public detail::list_base ^ /Applications/ note: candidate found by name lookup is 'std::__1::list' template<class, class> friend class list; ^ /Users/shemio/wsip_freud/cpp/wsip/ error: reference to 'list' is ambiguous list sigmas, ^ /opt/local/include/boost/python/list.hpp:57:7: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'boost::python::list' class list : public detail::list_base ^ /Applications/ note: candidate found by name lookup is 'std::__1::list' template<class, class> friend class list; ^ /Users/shemio/wsip_freud/cpp/wsip/ error: reference to 'list' is ambiguous list py_pbc) ^ /opt/local/include/boost/python/list.hpp:57:7: note: candidate found by name lookup is 'boost::python::list' class list : public detail::list_base ^ /Applications/ note: candidate found by name lookup is 'std::__1::list' template<class, class> friend class list;

Comments (3)

  1. Ben Schultz

    It was not my intent to move the wsip branch of freud to bitbucket, please delete it. I am moving all that code to rorschach. It doesn't compile yet (so don't bother trying :) should be done tonight).

    Don't know if this is a problem with includes or her/your install that is making the list and ambiguous ref. I hope it will just go away. if not, we'll sort it out then.

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