TrajectoryXML dynamic not working

Issue #4 resolved
Eric Harper created an issue

I believe this needs updating for python 3. It appears that this is an issue with iterating through a dict and updating it at the same time...

Unit test creates following error:

====================================================================== ERROR: test_multiple_file_dynamic (test_trajectory_TrajectoryXML.TestTrajectoryXML)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/harperic/code/freud/test/", line 60, in test_multiple_file_dynamic frame = traj[1] File "/Users/harperic/local/lib/python/freud/", line 132, in getitem return self._get_current_frame(); File "/Users/harperic/local/lib/python/freud/", line 377, in _get_current_frame for prop in self.dynamic_props.keys(): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration

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