KSpace module needs tests, consolidation, better docs, examples

Issue #50 resolved
Eric Harper created an issue
  1. Create tests (see #148 for a bug that tests should prevent).
  2. Consolidate kspace.pxi and kspace.py files.
  3. Improve documentation and clarify units (nm for scale?).
  4. Make examples.

Comments (14)

  1. Bradley Dice

    Thanks, @m_eric_irrgang! I am a new co-maintainer for freud along with @vramasub and we're cleaning up old issues. We are going through open issues and comparing them to the current state of the code to figure out what should be resolved/closed. If you have any status updates on this or other issues, unfinished code to contribute, etc., please let us know! :)

  2. M. Eric Irrgang

    I do not have any updates. If there are specific questions about past contributions, though, I can try to answer them.

  3. Vyas Ramasubramani

    Were there specific bugs or issues that this was trying to address? As I read it, this issue basically applies to all of freud in general: clean it up, add more tests of correctness. Does that sound right to you?

  4. Bradley Dice

    We want all modules to be tested in 1.0, this is related to #166. Also we should copy-paste all the functions in kspace.py into kspace.pxi for consistency.

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