Make both Raw and Average available to user

Issue #59 on hold
Eric Harper created an issue

Needs to be available

Comments (9)

  1. Vyas Ramasubramani

    Nope not sure what this is referring to. I would maybe guess that it has to do with the Order module and allowing the user access to the data before it's averaged over neighbors. That's just a guess though, @harperic can you comment more?

  2. Eric Harper reporter

    IIRC, this is in reference to the quantities produced by RDF, PMFT, etc. I believe the original proposal was to allow the user to have access to either the raw counts or even access to the counts for each frame.

    It's been a while since I've thought about this particular idea/request, and I'm not sure how necessary or even how useful this would be.

  3. Vyas Ramasubramani

    For the PMFT the bin counter object is the raw counts, right? Not per frame, but the total.

    I agree, I'm not too sure I see the utility aside from debugging purposes, and for that I would think it would make the most sense to just use very simplified systems to test with.

  4. Eric Harper reporter

    There may be other reasons to provide the raw counts, I'm thinking perhaps it was related to being able to track the convergence of the calculation with its std. dev., but if that's required, doing a small set of calculations to determine how many frames you need is a better solution than providing this feature, unless the feature is already available due to the manner in which the calculation is implemented i.e. the array already exists and adding a Python wrapper is trivial.

  5. Vyas Ramasubramani

    OK, so that is probably something we'll need to look at on a case-by-case basis? At the moment I assume that not all accumulate methods are coded in such a way as to have the original data easily available in that form.

  6. Vyas Ramasubramani

    As of now it's unclear that there is any demand for this feature. We will revisit at a later date.

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