Remove shapesplit module

Issue #78 resolved
Eric Harper created an issue

Shapesplit should be removed.

(Previous description): Cythonize shapesplit module

note: I can't even remember if this was tested

Comments (9)

  1. Eric Harper reporter

    After some consideration this module feels like it should be in Freud.shape which makes more sense as its own library (Euclid)

  2. Bradley Dice

    ShapeSplit is currently in the source code but not the documentation. It is not referenced by any other source code, as far as I can tell. We need to identify if anyone's code relies on this, and what it is used for.

  3. Eric Harper reporter

    In my opinion, shape split is not necessary and should not be in the code. From what I remember, it takes a list of N positions and returns a list of NxM positions, where M is the number of new shapes you would like to create. Its functionality can be duplicated in 2-3 lines of numpy code; I know I have an example lying around somewhere if you'd like.

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