Does not register as HTTP handler in Windows 10

Issue #18 new
Pandu Poluan created an issue

Hello, I like the list-based concept of BC2, much better than the original BC's.

However, on Windows 10, I cannot select BC2 as the "default web browser" because in the Default App applet, it doesn't show in the list of apps able to be "default web browsers".

So, I think it failed registering itself as an HTTP(s) handler.

Can you fix this?

Comments (16)

  1. Carlin Scott

    What I find odd about this is that BC1 does this correctly but fails to handle the URL on Windows 10.

  2. guy repo owner

    You need to add the protocols by going into the Settings -> Default Browser tab -> Add to Default Programs.

    Let me know if this doe snot work for you, there might be a conflict somewhere.

  3. Brian Baker

    @guy I just set it up today on Windows 10 and the Add to Default Programs button seemed to work just fine.

  4. Carlin Scott

    @guy @brianbaker I just installed the latest version and it did not add itself to the list of installed browsers when selecting a default one. I never had BrowserChooser installed on this system.

    default browsers.jpg

  5. Brian Baker

    @carlin-scott You need to go open Browser Chooser 2, then go to Options > Default Browser and click Add to Default Programs. Then it will show up on the list.

    Add to Default Programs.png

  6. Noah BitBucketJones

    As of the Creator's update for windows 10 (or at least that's when I noticed it) this program no longer seems to register itself as an html handler, and cannot be selected in the defaults list.

    I tried running regular and as administrator and clicked the button mentioned above without success. I also tried restarting after doing so, no success.

    It appears to be listed as an HTML handler in the registry, but I am very unfamiliar with how this works so I'm not sure what to suggest. All I know is that I can't seem to get it listed in the Default Apps area under Web Browser.

  7. guy repo owner

    I haven't noticed it yet, but it wouldn't surprise me that they changed yet another setting.

    I will have to investigate.

  8. Noah BitBucketJones

    Oddly enough, despite BrowserChooser2 not appearing in the list of default web browsers, today an application triggered a browser request and BrowserChooser2 opened. So apparently it is working despite not being present in the list.


  9. Noah BitBucketJones

    I'm not sure if it's helpful, but BrowserChooser 1.1.0 works and successfully adds itself to the list on the same pc that was rejecting bc2.

    Though browserchooser2 did open from time to time, it was inconsistent, and I was never able to get it in the list.

  10. guy repo owner

    First time I hear of a BC 1.1. When I get a chance this weekend I will look at what is happening. All the handlers are created the same way, so I don't know why one would be different form the others. Odds are MS added an extra check for html. The problem is the documentation can be very confusing.

  11. guy repo owner

    I just went back to the old BC and saw version 1.1. That was a quick hack to get Win10 working.

    Interesting that the old method works, but is missing some key elements per the MS documentation.

  12. guy repo owner

    I just tried in a fresh copy of Win10 Creator Edition and it works fine. I think your registry settings may be corrupt. the next version will allow to delete all registry settings and re-create them.

  13. Pandu Poluan Account Deactivated reporter

    @gmyx is there a documentation on the Registry Settings that BC2 modify, so I can clean them up manually?

    Also, a bit spelunking based on this MSDN article and this one also, I found out that BC2 does not have any entry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet. Not sure if that's necessary or not.

  14. Christian Boisjoli Account Deactivated

    This is old but may be relevant: In particular there's a claim at the end that "the program should have CompanyName in its resources" (paraphrased) and BrowserChooser2 does not seem to have that. Dunno if it's still a requirement.

    I can't set BC2 as a default either, btw, and this is a fresh install. :/ It just does not show up anywhere, whether I go by the simple picker or by app or by protocol or by file type. It's just not there at all. Does its placement in the filesystem have any relevance? I didn't find an installer for this version, only a standalone exe.

  15. guy repo owner

    @pepoluan All the information I found about default browsers are listed here: Edit: I haven't yet document all my keys. There is still some XP code in that.

    I could be mis-implementing something. It is a very difficult reading for me at least. All the registry keys for Windows 10 are put in current user (HKCU). It will not be in HKLM.

    @cb_lixar Unfortunately that page does not explain where to put CompanyName. If he meant the assembly info, it is there.

    Edit: I just tested from a network share and still works for me. I wonder what the missing piece is.

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