Does not play well with MS Office 2013

Issue #2 closed
Jaap Coomans created an issue

When clicking a link in an Outlook email I get an error:

"Something unexpected went wrong with this URL: "<the URL I clicked>". Application not found.

This probably has to do with the fact that Office interacts with the default browser (BrowserChooser2 in this case) to determine if a link is an office document (to be opened in the corresponding office application) or something else (to be opened in the browser).

When clicking a link in a word document, it partially works. It opens the URL in the selected browser, but the following was appended to the URL "FirefoxHTML\Shell\Open\Command", obviously resulting in a 404.

OS: Windows 7 MS Office 2013

Comments (5)

  1. guy repo owner

    Intetresting. It seems to be the same set-up that I have at work and I have no issues. The link itself, what does it point to? I am honestly not sure what is the best way to figure out what is happening - yet.

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