AutoURL not working with hashtag

Issue #38 new
Oddbjørn Bakke created an issue

Some portals are divided with hashtags, I just cannot get AutoURLs to work with this (might also be the @ sign).


Scenario, separated chrome profiles for different portals (different profiles/cookies/tokens per customer). The base URL is the same.

Comments (4)

  1. guy repo owner

    Apologies for the late response - seems I missed the notification on this one. I wonder if the code is looking for something else with the hash tag. Should be a simple fix.

  2. Oddbjørn Bakke reporter

    Found the problem to the issue.

    I downloaded your repository now and made some unit tests on this. Found out that since you use the Like operator in VB.Net (this one is new for me). The # hashtag is a reserved keyword. Since this means 'Any single digit (0–9)' I will not match.

    By instead of doing: '' I can manually escape like: '[#]q='

    Would be nice with some documentation on the rules (as I only found the rules in the source code), or escape this character to [#].

    Could also be nice to be able to test URLs against pattern in the Edit Auto URL dialog.

    Another nice feature here would be the possibility to either pick previous URLs opened, or to test/make new rules when no rules in the list are hit.

  3. guy repo owner

    That makes sense. I can add a filter to ensure the # is properly handled. It is document in the Wiki but defenitly should ensure it's known in the UI.

    I will add your ideas to the pile - they are indeed interesting.

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