OneNote 2016

Issue #5 resolved
J. Scott Elblein created an issue

I've not looked into the source code to see for myself, but is it possible to force the code doing the call to the URL to be identified as a known browser?

I just noticed in OneNote 2016, when clicking on a hyperlink to a Facebook URL, the BC titlebar will switch to something like "", and won't go to the final FB page that was in the link.

My guess is, during the BC lookup, it's not identifying itself as a known browser, so FB returns that URL instead. Maybe some sort of (weak) security defense.

Comments (6)

  1. guy repo owner
    • changed milestone to Beta 2
    • assigned issue to
    • changed component to UI
    • changed version to Beta 1

    I wonder who is causing the unsupported brower - OneNote or Facebook. I think FB. You probably have reveal shorten URLs turned on and BC is doing a quick lookup.

  2. guy repo owner

    And to answer my own question. It is Facebook. when during the URL de-shortening, Facebook redirects to that. Now, what do I send as browser? I guess I could use FF.

  3. guy repo owner

    I just pushed a code change that fixes this. Be default, BC 2 will send a user-agent string of "Mozilla/5.0". this will be in the next version - probably late April, early May.

  4. J. Scott Elblein reporter

    Yep, I figured it was FB doing it during the reveal. Funny thing is, the link I have in OneNote isn't actually shortened, so it wouldn't really need to do that step in this case, but I'm not sure it makes a huge difference anyway.

    I think the standard Chrome or FF User Agent strings would probably work fine. Might also be a nice thing to add in the settings; a combo box with a built-in set of various UA's, plus a text field for the user to enter a custom one?

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