BC doesn't always exit it's own process

Issue #6 resolved
J. Scott Elblein created an issue

I'm not sure exactly how to trigger this bug yet, but I have noticed that sometimes, when looking ya my processes list in the Task Manager, browserchooser.exe is still hanging around in there, sometimes more than once. I usually end up manually killing the process(s).

This is on Win 10, x64

Comments (13)

  1. J. Scott Elblein reporter

    ok, I downloaded the one you linked, and will let ya know if/when it happens again.

  2. guy repo owner

    Assuming resolved since it seems to be working properly for you now. Beta 2 should be released Mid to late april.

  3. J. Scott Elblein reporter

    Unfortunately, it's still doing it as much as it did before.

    Update: stop the presses. I may have found the issue, and I think it's my machine. I had a python script loading upon startup, and it was silently loading a web page, and for some reason, BC was loading for it, but never closing. I think it's because the python script was set to a never ending loop at the end. Still not 100% sure on it being the entire problem, but I'm about 90% sure. I'll just come back to this thread and update it if I ever run into the problem again, or determine a positive cause.

  4. guy repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Dang. I wonder why it isn't exiting properly. After it launches a browser, it clears it's memory and exits. The only time it does not is if you choose not to exit on the chooser screen.

  5. guy repo owner

    Just saw your update. I think your python script is launching BC2 into a hidden window. BC2 is then waiting for input. You could add an auto-url at the end to launch something. I tried to set a blank browser - but it causes crashes. Those will be fixed and the next version will allow a blank / do nothing option.

  6. J. Scott Elblein reporter

    Yes, this one's a strange mystery, lol. Just when I think I found the cause, when I try repeating it, it doesn't happen. I was wondering if adding some debug logging code to BC2 would help at all; when BC2 gets launched, log the timestamp and the path and if available, full command-line used to call it, and output it all to a debug.txt file in the same folder as BC2. That would at least help narrow it down to which app(s) to look into.

    Also, not sure if this would be useful or an issue, but adding the option that only allows a single instance of BC2: Use the “Make single instance application” flag; in the solution explorer. Maybe that'll at least keep bc2 from having multiple instances of itself running in memory. Not sure if that'll have a negative impact on a program that called it though. Could be worth a test though.

  7. guy repo owner

    Yes, debug is very limited. It is definitely something that needs to get done. I have an other place where more debug code would benefit. One more item on the to-do list...

    As for single instance, this would not help. I have had cases where I needed multiple copies of BC2 open since some tool tried to open multiple pages at the same time. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other :/

  8. J. Scott Elblein reporter

    Good point, I've noticed needing multiple browser launches at times myself.

    I was thinking of cloning BC2, and if I ever come across some real easy ideas to add, I'd just do it and then submit them, and see if you wanted to add them to Head. I'm real busy myself with tons of projects, so I'd only be able to do very minor things to it.

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