Bulk out the UI for categorizing colours (and names) and replaying the grouping

Issue #21 resolved
Julian Todd repo owner created an issue

There are 4 categories for colours:
(1) Colours to ignore (2) Colours to connect into contour that gets cut. (3) Colours to treat as pen lines and allocate into contour areas (3) Colours to laser as slits as though they were pen lines

We should be able to highlight each colour, picking out from the drawing, or flashing on and off. The dxftosvg should pass layer names which we can include instead of the colour names for easier selection.

Comments (3)

  1. timswait

    Yes, this would be an important improvement. Including with the DXF import so that layer names are used rather than colours also makes sense. This then frees up the colours to be used to convey information. For example, you drop in a DXF and all the layers default to the "Ignore" category they all shown as grey. You then select a layer(s) to be cut (right clicking it and selecting from a dropdown perhaps?) and that layer goes red. You then select the layer(s) to be penned and they go green. Then when you group it, the grey lines are dropped, the green ones are put as pen and the software decides where the outline is and what to group as cut outline and what to group as internal cuts and slits. The ordering for generating paths would then be: 1. Pen marks. 2. Internal cuts (holes, slits, etc). 3. Cut outline. This would be basically ideal. As an alternative, if you can't use colours in this way, could use line type (dots, dashes etc) or thickness to denote cut or pen. Either way a key would be needed!

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