backup of all the issues was working through

Issue #22 new
Julian Todd repo owner created an issue
  • downloadsurvex source code and hack the dump3d code into python
  • librecad part2 problem
  • check scale problem

  • detect and remove coincident/overlapping edges: worst case is: /home/julian/repositories/laserplacer/examples/laser_cut_1_bug .svg

  • closedist should be a setting (are there 2 of them) (make sure it's <= so can be 0)

  • remove the final bits of jquery and children lists

  • SVGfileprocess.prototype.InitiateLoadingProcess $($(txt).children()[0]).parent()

  • copy and try out the dxf reader just for kicks

  • eltfscale.disabled = true not reliable enough

  • flattenpath should respect cosangledot on thinning so we get actual circles on the corners

  • if json has multiple copies of same file, then auto-reload it twice

  • delete button should do the abort instead

  • start with thickness shown (and put thickness setting into the #url) hashoptions and writewindowurlhash scalestrokewidths

  • selecting (in dropdown) freezing/locking a thing should change its (line) colour

  • get select and option thing to accept locked condition on it (eg by a click icon) -- cannot be done except hack to the text fadividphi # locked cases

  • XY relative values when on the stock type (to be plotted by the scalebar)

  • check GenPath works on a case with transforms in the input (non unit cmatrix)

  • put the help thing under a ? in a box toggle its visibility

  • if we drag and drop a set of files including the controlling json file, then it can iterate through and apply all the processes on load

  • then download postprocessing that also works with our laser cutter

  • document and account for pathgroupings. fadivid+"cb"+j pathgroupings[i][0] == fadivid+"cb"+j, or boundrect, or unmatchedsinglets

  • groupsvgprocess remove selected should ungroup and go back to bounding box

  • stockdef defines the post-processor and ordering and knows what's sitting on it

  • file area gives option to download json file (which we can upload to reposition things back in place with same files)

  • more removal of jquery (mostly in cstack code now, might be child() to children)

  • some background highlight around cursor to show that the view is being dragged not the parts

  • drag rotate around cursor down point

  • algorithm: cut long things shorter and sort from top to bottom, and then start flipping positions

  • are you sure check for delete

  • note that the scaling is doing all the edges twice if we are already grouped (if you don't watch it)

  • stockdef_should put dimensions in as text in the file area, automatically group, have a lock option

  • be able to set the contour joining value (or have a better go when matching close up)

  • set the width and height of the rectangle from the geometry

  • similarly bring in svgnest

done * this one not joining: /home/julian/data/aviansails/relativem/2Rio15 Top surface * avoid going back on self with short segment FPSjdseqs: function(rlidat, dlistlen) * SVGfileprocess.prototype.processSingleSVGpathFinal needs to handle relative m values * ftolerance as a value * another green working flag on the path output * reordering of the pen drawing * freeze notice when sorting [ ] on the groupprocess class
make sure islands are done first * check the pinholes are found * middle mouse should have pan only, left to drag * sequence group the pen drawing lines * order the cuts and be able to play the order. * record the transformations and choices made in a json record list for replay (see it in a text area on the side for cut and pasting. * sort the pen motions from left to right in order * then convert the cut lines * then output with the xy in bottom left of the stockdef to a working PLT file of islands first * push genpathorderonstock to go to pen plotting out. then download. and be aligned (check we can do it with some small examples) * some crude form of replay through the line segments that we have (overlayed, say).
watch out for rounded corners subdividing the correct direction * [A] down and up for stop replay * ability to stop replay and go back and forward one path * direction ordering of cut paths is not good PolySorting.flattenpath: function(d, cosangdot, 0.5) * check fac reflections work currentabsolutescale fsca svgprocess.currentabsolutescale = newabsolutescale; * subdivision to tolerance * replay of toolpath by animation. * outline of [X]s to make clearer.
put link to and from the io page * output the file * handle slicing d on mi * make this button generate a valid ANC path quickly * GenPath becomes a button * click then click drag disappears * set the values right after setting (so it's not t0,0) * fix hopping to t0,0 * rotation locking to 15deg intervals * colour the stock differently * make the white outline dotted in some way * Auto group with stockdef types on load -- and send to back of the raphael stack (and not have numcols) -- and prevent from rotating * pathgroupingtransforms should apply (after grouping) and be used * detect stockdef_ files for what they are and use to determin the post-processor * make visible in select option elfadividphi * make select and option go to the option when thing is moved * updateAvailableThingPositions to be called when something gets set to processimportsvgr * tstr transforms should be in own parallel list to the pathgroupings (independent of Lgroupings) this will be pathgroupingtstrs * accept drag and drop of the json file * sort out too many pieces in the area in chrome where we can't get to the controls. it should flow * change these things into a select and option * delete (or not load, or skip a failed file import; colour it red) * remove doneG * Use clicking on the rotate/transform values make into a fixed element. * replace fadividlast with selected file area and use also to highlight this component when dragging * lock button on a piece from moving * record shift and rotate values (and scale value), per independent object (perhaps in a select dropdown to fit them in). * record in file-area what transforms have been done * remove the mapPath() applied when grouping is done (have it applied globally anyway) * deleting isn't removing all the non-joined components * unaccounted for edges should show up in red and be deletable * line width scaling not working * import the page size * go back to global drawstrokewidth * change raphimporting to SVGfileprocess * shape reflections * file definitions incl rescale in the file area fscale * trial those nice SVG images * get rescale working again * Look how mmpixwidth is calculated and whether it is consistent (and can be set to 1 maybe?) at 3.5433 and whether it could be applied on import * abolish the pixelwidth value * change name of SVGprocesses and make much clearer what it is TO svgfilecontents * move crap functions out into a js files * record whether the help has been closed * Scale bar that is constant with respect to any movement * run the dxf conversions from the original mk8 shape

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