Fabric length/width definition

Issue #24 new
timswait created an issue

When I start nesting I don't know how much fabric I'll need so starting by dropping a rectangle stock definition is working backwards. I would rather start by defining my roll width (as that is generally fixed), nesting the shapes into that width and then find out what length I need to accommodate those shapes.

Comments (4)

  1. Julian Todd repo owner

    By fabric width, you mean height on the screen.

    Since the zero point is the lower left corner, the right hand extent of the fabric makes no difference to the output whatsoever.

    You can use a stockdef rectangle that's 15m long (wide), pack stuff on the left, and request some kind of preview to how far things extend to the right from the origin.

    So there's nothing blocking this feature.

    But maybe the stockdef should be like those scanners that have several paper shapes drawn onto the bed -- internal lines within the stock area showing a series of smaller sizes of stock that you could attempt to pack things under.

  2. timswait reporter

    Yes, that would work. The main thing is just knowing how long the length of fabric I require is. Especially with the non-resizing scale bar, if you make a rectangle that's 15m long say and then just under half fill it, how do you know whether it's 7m of fabric you need to order or 8?

  3. Julian Todd repo owner

    Here's your quick work around: view-source:https://bytebucket.org/goatchurch/laserplacer/raw/7467f3fb62efcf4823054577b6e8f5ed01c2f6f3/examples/stockdef_sail_7m8m.svg

    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="-100.0 -100.0 6000 1600">
        <rect x="0.0" y="0.0" width="15000.0" height="1420.0" stroke="blue" stroke-width="3.00" />
        <line x1="7000.0" y1="0.0" x2="7000.0" y2="1420.0" stroke="green" stroke-width="2.00" />
        <line x1="8000.0" y1="0.0" x2="8000.0" y2="1420.0" stroke="green" stroke-width="2.00" />

    We can add text in here too to state the dimensions -- probably best to do it as paths showing the letters rather than SVG text element.

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