Test and Develop arduino energy measurement for Ina 159

Issue #7 resolved
Abram Hindle created an issue

For INA159 or whatever we bought, let's get it hooked up to a phone so we can get energy readings from it.

  1. wiring - figure out how to wire the INA159 to the arduino and to the phone power. Remember it will produce an analog signal so you'll need to employ arduino analog read. 1.1 Make a diagram of the wiring.
  2. Measure how fast you can read from the analog pin. Goal is 2000 measurements per second or more.
  3. Investigate tuning. Are the numbers constant or do we need to measure a load to get some idea. Is it always the same fixed analog value?
  4. Can we communitcate all the measurement back over the serial port. At 2000 measurements per second sent as binary over the serial port we should be able to achieve 4000 16 bit samples per second over a 115200 baud serial line.
  5. Write a wattlogger to calculate the watts and joules from the measurements
  6. write the traces to greenminer appropriately

These tasks might need to be broken into seperate bug reports.

Comments (10)

  1. greenminer_kyudai repo owner

    We can read about 2400 measurements per second over a 57600 baud serial line (and about 4800 measurements over a 115200 baud serial line).

  2. greenminer_kyudai repo owner

    Since the measured value is not proportional to the supply value, there may be a problem around the measuring circuit

  3. greenminer_kyudai repo owner

    We solved the problem. The connection of circuit was unstable, so we reconnected the circuit and it is stable now.

  4. Abram Hindle reporter

    Are these done?

    1. Write a wattlogger to calculate the watts and joules from the measurements
    2. write the traces to greenminer appropriately
  5. Abram Hindle reporter

    Make sure we can still use INA219 with your fork. I should be able to merge your code into greenminer mainline and have it work.

  6. greenminer_kyudai repo owner

    We wrote wattlogger and the traces to greenminer appropriately. If there are no more problems, please close this issue.

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