Antiwarp in Safezone

Issue #60 resolved
hakaku created an issue

Subgame provided the ability to automatically allow or disallow the use of antiwarp in safes. The only way to achieve the latter in ASSS is to either make every single safe zone a region, or edit game.c . To me this is impractical : I would like to request the addition of a per-arena setting (as opposed to Subgame's per-zone setting) that allows you to enable or disable antiwarp's effect while in a safe.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    In subgame zones where this setting is enabled, what happens? afaik you can't forcibly turn a player's anti off without sending them a position packet for themself, which is bad (messes up client time sync). I would assume the player gets no warning and their anti stays on, but other freqs aren't affected. This just means rewriting the status byte to have the AW bit off is the safe bit is on.

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