?setgroup -a -p breaks in private arena's

Issue #110 open
Joris created an issue

Private arena's begin with a # After ?setgroup -a -p the resulting line in staff.conf is: "#arena:Name = arenaowner"

The # character is used for preprocessor instructions so the line is ignored.

The following works however: [#arena] Name = arenaowner

Since any section may occur multiple times, the easiest solution would be to simply generate the 2 line version for private arena's.

Comments (3)

  1. Justin Schwartz
    • changed status to open

    I had this issue, except I thought I FIXED it by using ?Setgroup...oh well anyway however I figured it out, you can also do \#arena:name=mod

    Arenaowner by the classic definition is basically sysop access whether you like it or not, beware when using such a group.

    Regardless if there's a problem with ?setgroup it's probably an underlying problem with the conf infrastructure (SetStr) so I couldn't guess on when anyone would work on it.

  2. Joris reporter

    Our arenaowners have no putfile, only putmap and quickfix. We just use it so people can test maps on their own. I would probably use chrooted FTP if they absolutely needed to upload lvz.

    I would imagine simply escaping any leading # [ \ in the config module would fix the issue.

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