?kick time is measured in minutes instead of seconds

Issue #19 resolved
Former user created an issue

All commands in the core, with the exception of ?kick take their time arguments as seconds. ?kick should have its argument changed to be in seconds instead of minutes.

Rectifying the situation will take careful thought, as zone staffers use the command regularly and it is impractical to notify every zone staffer of a command change.

Comments (5)

  1. Justin Schwartz

    Proposed revision for ?kick:

    ?kick [-s seconds | -t seconds | -m minutes | seconds] [message]

    Where the -s and -t switches provide the same thing as well as no switch at all with a time, and may or may not work with -m depending on how easy it is to implement.

    The message is only meaningful if a time is specified, and will provide feedback to a user when they try to log in with a message of "You have been temporarily kicked for %s. You may log in again in %im%is."

    The ?kick command will provide feedback to the person who's done the kicking so they aren't confused about the time they actually kicked the person for.

  2. Justin Schwartz

    Tested in Wiki macro error: Changeset 1063 not found. Also made *kill in sgcompat rewrite to ?kick -m as would be expected.

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