Create ball management commands

Issue #37 resolved
Former user created an issue

Copied from bug number 64 in old bug database.

guest: ball management commands. Commands like ?flaginfo and ?moveflag but for balls.

Comments (3)

  1. Justin Schwartz

    Proposed commands:

    • ?giveball [ballid], /?giveball [ballid] Puts the specified ball (default id 0) in your (or targetted player's) possession. If you're already carrying a ball, it is dropped at your last known position.
    • ?respawnball [ballid] Resets the ball state and puts it back at the spawn point. (default ball id 0) Cannot create a new ball, use ?ballcount instead.
    • ?moveball <ballid> <xtile> <ytile> Moves the specified ball to the tile at (xtile,ytile).
    • ?ballinfo Though not especially useful because ball coords are not updated over time when they're travelling (yet), the function will report the state and last known coordinates of the ball, and the carrier/firer.

    Technically we could make ?moveball resolve pixels instead, but ?warpto and ?moveflag don't (due to limitations), and there's few situations where you'd be using this command where you'd actually need pixels. In those situations, you probably want to use a special module anyway.

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