Switch most arena messages to command messages

Issue #53 on hold
Former user created an issue

In most instances modules will send players information using SendArenaMessage. If we switch these to SendCmdMessage it will be transparent for Continuum clients but will have the added benefit of greatly reducing or even eliminating in some cases the ability to spoof certain green messages that chatnet clients listen for.

Comments (5)

  1. Justin Schwartz

    I assume you mean it currently sends using SendMessage (SendCmdMessage only targets one player.) The modification could be done with a simple sed script.

  2. Justin Schwartz
    • removed milestone
    • changed status to on hold

    There is no present difference between SendMessage and SendCmdMessage in the present interface, they both end up calling the same function.

  3. Former user Account Deleted


    I don't know what the code looks like, but if this issue can be looked at again I'd greatly appreciate it. If at the very least, this can be experimented on with server replies to the ?give command, which is the command most likely to (and indeed has been) spoofed.

    MSG:ARENA:Player vulpus gave you $100. Message: "The quick brown fox."

    MSG:CMD:Player vulpus gave you $100. Message: "The quick brown fox."

    As mods cannot spoof MSG:CMD: to a chatnet client/bot, this will assure that a mod isn't giving counterfeit money away.

  4. Justin Schwartz

    Ummm, yeah, that is basically like what the original issue writer said. Furthermore, this tracker is only for asss, not for specific zones. Until there is any real plan for what SendCmdMessage should do and when it should be used, this issue can't really be looked at. (This is why it was set as on hold, which is also why it took so long for me to see your reply.)

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