Misc/General:LevelFiles should also allow LevelFiles2, etc.

Issue #54 resolved
Justin Schwartz created an issue

Due to limitations of the conf system, if you have multiple LVZs files that are shared between arenas, but each arena needs a separate LVZ list to add its own to, updating each arena when the shared LVZs are changed becomes a real pain.

HZ currently allows a LevelFiles2 key to allow one key to be used for shared LVZs and the other to add on for that arena, so that many arenas can be updated with one change to one LevelFiles entry. There is probably a better way to do this, but short of improving conf I am not sure how.

Comments (6)

  1. Justin Schwartz reporter

    General:LevelFiles and General:LevelFiles1 will be read, and then it will read keys (probably with a small limit to prevent malicious behavior) of the form General:LevelFiles2, LevelFiles3, etc. It will stop reading if a LevelFiles# key 2 or above is not defined. This will be acceptable until we make a better conf system.

    So the person organizing the confs will be responsible for knowing what LevelFiles slots are being used. Recommend that you use LevelFiles for things that are shared the most, LevelFiles2 for the next most shared, and so forth.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Another possibility I just thought of is to have General:LevelFilesCount, which specifies how many General:LevelFilesX should be checked. For example, a LevelFilesCount of 5 will check LevelFiles1 through LevelFiles5, regardless of their defined status. If the count is unset, it uses the behavior in the above post.

  3. Justin Schwartz reporter

    I think it will be simpler to make LevelFilesCount just define all of the extra behavior. If 0 or undefined, it does what it did before. Otherwise it reads LevelFiles1, 2, etc. as the setting specifies.

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