continuum upgrade is busted

Issue #90 resolved
Justin Schwartz created an issue

expected behavior:

log in on .39pr1: Your version of Continuum blah blah you need to upgrade. [yes/no?] yes: download upgrade.exe and run. no: allowed in the zone anyway, unless unauthorized (not sure the exact capability needed.)

actual behavior:

log in on .39pr1: Unauthorized: This server does not yet support your version of Continuum. Until this server is upgraded blah blah you suck [Ok]. Authorized: No prompt, allowed entry.

Also if upgrade.exe is downloaded (as 1.4.4 will do) it seems to send it with no file name, possibly crashing Continuum.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Continuum login response (s2c game packet 0x34) is sent sloppy inside src/core/core.c/SendLoginResponse. It needs to be byte aligned. On the wire, it ends up as 8 bytes instead of 7. Since this is how the server reports cont version and cont exe checksum, it may cause funky version bugs (since it includes a garbage byte).

    The packet, which asss calls S2C_CONTVERSION, contains u8 type = 0x34 (packet id), u16 cont_version = 0x28 (40), u32 checksum = 0xc9b61486 (crc32 of con40.exe). Which would properly go to the wire as

    34 28 00 86 14 b6 c9

    but because SendLoginResponse does not byte align it, it slurps in a wildcard byte

    34 XX 28 00 86 14 b6 c9

    Hard to say how cont is handling this, but it may cause some of the nastiness you're seeing.

    Fix is simple: wrap the struct definition at line 769 with

    #pragma pack(push, 1)
    			struct {
    				u8 type;
    				u16 contversion;
    				u32 checksum;
    			} pkt = { S2C_CONTVERSION, CVERSION_CONT, contchecksum };
    #pragma pack(pop)
  2. Justin Schwartz reporter
    • changed status to open

    Makes sense, a lot of other stuff had that exact problem when the global #pragma pack(1) was removed from the asss headers. Any idea about update.exe? It might just be a wine problem, but I know I'm not the only one who has had Continuum suddenly exit when downloading the file.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Fixing the alignment fixes the version bug for me. Logging into an unfixed ASSS will periodically work properly (when the client interprets the garbage byte as a higher version than itself) and other times do as you report (when the garbage byte is lower).

    Re update.exe: Continuum is supposed to terminate immediately after it downloads and executes the update. And the server is supposed to send the update with no file name (an S2C_INCOMING (0x10) with NULL for filename). If it has a name, then it will still be downloaded, but Continuum will not execute it. The download dialogue will show progress on named files, but will sit there waiting for an S2C_INCOMINGFILE (0x10) that is unnamed -- which it saves as "ContinuumUpdate.exe" and then executes.

    Also, the client will accept nasty named files -- like "profile.dat" -- and will overwrite anything precious in the Continuum folder with that name.

  4. Justin Schwartz reporter

    Well, it's not news that Continuum's file transfer stuff is a little boneheaded. Judging by what you said though, it perhaps is a Wine problem where the update does not start, but everything else up to that point sounds correct.

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