Commit rejection error on branch creation

Issue #101 resolved
Forrest Brown created an issue

We are trying to integrate Control Freak into our workflow on an existing repository and have run into an issue when trying to create a branch from master on the Bitbucket Create branch screen. When setting Branch Type to Hotfix and Branch from to master we receive a commit rejection error about commit messages must satisfy the configured regex. The commit in question is before turning Control Freak on and is already in master.

Is there a setting to avoid this? Currently the only way for us to get around this issue is to disable the Jira Policy for the specific branch type.

Bitbucket Server, 5.10.1
Control Freak, 2019.10.20

Comments (7)

  1. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    Sorry - absolutely crazy week. I’ll look at this and get back to you within 48 hours.

  2. Claus Schneider (Praqma)

    I have a similar problem. Eg the push of the new branch will result in checks of all previous commits. Would it be possible to only control new commits to the server ( new configuration option?
    They way I read some commits can be “grandfathered” depending on how they were created ( eg. forks ). They same mechanism could be great for new branches as well.

    PS: We do not use Git Flow branch model. We use a set of long living branches with pattern<long-living>/masterand we create branches like <long-living>/<issue-ID>-bla-bla and <long-living>/ready/<issue-ID>-bla-bla. These come and go often and are created/deleted by all developers.

  3. Forrest Brown reporter

    Just to update, we ran into another similar issue with the Jira issue exists checked. Someone tried to create a branch and it wouldn’t allow them because a commit that exists in the branch they were trying to branch from contained a Jira issue that no longer existed in Jira. The weird part is the error referenced “Merge rejected” and then said “The following Jira tickets do not exist on your Jira server: [].”

  4. Julius Davies [] repo owner

    A lot of work was put into release v2020.09.22 to improve grandfathering commits (including patch-identical commits). We believe this issue should be fixed now. Please open a new issue if you encounter anything similar on the latest version of Control Freak (v2020.11.04) and we'll jump on it!

    Sorry for the delay responding to bugs in the first half of 2020. We had some staffing issues when the COVID-19 crisis started, but we've sinced fixed our internal staffing problem and we're full steam ahead now.

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